Ukradena dva "NOVA" Passata iz fabrike

Ukradena dva "NOVA" Passata iz fabrike


So much for their security system
The 2015 Volkswagen Passat has been garnering a lot of attention ever since it was introduced earlier this year and it appears thieves couldn't resist taking a closer look.

According to the Emden Police Department, an unidentified male stole a vehicle from a Volkswagen plant earlier this month. The thief successfully escaped with the car but ditched it a short time later. Police were unable to apprehend the suspect but they did manage to capture him on traffic cameras.

Interestingly, this isn't the first theft of an all-new Passat. Police are also investigating the disappearance of another model on October 3rd but haven't confirmed whether or not the two incidents are related.
Kako i nece imati opremu za provaljivanje novih auta kad nijedan nema kljuca nego samo kartica... Olaksali im posao samo tako :D Iskreno ja ovog passata da i vidim na cesti mislio bi da je ovaj sto vec ima po cestama, meni je bar isti...
Ko je kog bio u Emdenu znat ce kakva je istuacija sto se ovih passata tice..
To je parking na kome ima na stotine hiljada passata, u svakom je kljuc i "papirologija"..
Bilo je za ocekivat da ce im se ovo kad - tad desit.

Da ne bude da se samo u BIH krade passat hahah :D